Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sweet sweet weekend

Beautiful weekends! That's when I get to relax and have fun nowadays as the weekdays are all school school school. I went shopping on saturday in Grebbestad and bought some new hiking clothes, they are so nice will show them later this week. After the shopping Me and my friend went to dinner at a place called Kajutan. Since I'm on the paleo diet I do have issues finding good restaurants that have food that I can eat. No matter where I go I always have to scan the menu quickly to see if there is anything eatable or if it can be modified to my liking. Sometimes the staff is helpful and will gladly change the dish for me but sometimes it's just a pain in the ***. But at Kajutan the staff where so nice and I got a hand peeled shrimp salad with olive oil instead of Rhode Island sauce with no bread and butter and it was so good. Love when it's that simple to dine out ;) After dinner we went for a walk along the harbour really needed that walk as I was bloated from eating so much hahah ;)

         View from the restaurant :) love
Bad light in this pic hehe

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