Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mushroom picking night

Last night I went out in the forest to see if there where any mushrooms. We thought there would t be many as its late season but we found loads. Went out on the quad bike :) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My paleo bounty marsipan

This is super quick and easy to make and tastes brilliant. It can be eaten on its own or with some whipped coconut cream or coconut ice cream (some strawberries would be nice with it as well ;)) this dish is very rich in chocolate so great for paleo chocolate lovers. Or any other chocolate lover for that matter ;)
Recipe one portion:
3/4 cup of almond meal 
2 tbs of desiccated coconut
2 tbs of cocoa powder 
(1/2 tbs flaxseeds optional) 
(Sweetener, honey for example. I don't use any sweetener optional)
Coconut cream
Mix the dry ingredients together and now ad the coconut cream (and honey if you wish) until the mixture becomes a thick rollable mass, you will not need much. Shape as you like and then it's finished :D

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sweet sweet weekend

Beautiful weekends! That's when I get to relax and have fun nowadays as the weekdays are all school school school. I went shopping on saturday in Grebbestad and bought some new hiking clothes, they are so nice will show them later this week. After the shopping Me and my friend went to dinner at a place called Kajutan. Since I'm on the paleo diet I do have issues finding good restaurants that have food that I can eat. No matter where I go I always have to scan the menu quickly to see if there is anything eatable or if it can be modified to my liking. Sometimes the staff is helpful and will gladly change the dish for me but sometimes it's just a pain in the ***. But at Kajutan the staff where so nice and I got a hand peeled shrimp salad with olive oil instead of Rhode Island sauce with no bread and butter and it was so good. Love when it's that simple to dine out ;) After dinner we went for a walk along the harbour really needed that walk as I was bloated from eating so much hahah ;)

         View from the restaurant :) love
Bad light in this pic hehe

Monday, October 7, 2013

Recipe for my breakfast cauliflower porridge

Whilst beeing on the paleo diet it can get pretty tiresome eating only eggs and bacon for breakfast. Paleo and low carb people know what I'm talking about. So I made my own recipe for rice porridge or pudding that tastes really good and gives the same texture and creaminess without the carbs ;) I'm still having eggs as well as I need the protein.

1 cup of cauliflower (riced, as in chopped in food processor)
1/2 cup of almond flour
Coconut cream as desired or until reached thickness of preference

Bring to the boil and turn the stove of. Just let the porridge summer in the heat that's left and then it's finished. Serve with cinnamon or other spices. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I love hiking and the west coast of Sweden

Yesterday i went for a hike with a mate :) I go there fairly often as i think its one of the most beautiful places near my town. After the hike we went to a small beach near Lysekil and did some exploring. I love the sea :) The smell of salty water and the sound of seagulls are so refreshing. So happy to live on the west coast. We found an oyster at the beach thought that where pretty cool. Im going for another hike in a bit, havent decided where to go yet though.
erika wattman

erika wattman

Friday, October 4, 2013

Look what i have made :) ginger bread cookies

I am such a good girl making paleo cookies with no sugar. Not that they where very complicated to make haha probably the easiest ones I have ever done. Just mixed almond flour with coconut fat and ginger bread seasoning. Then put it in the oven for like 20 min and voila! Ginger bread tasting almond cookies :) na na na gotta stay healthy and fit and that means staying away from that vicious sugar ;) they make a great snack