Monday, September 30, 2013

God morgon :)

On my way to school and have just done my school make up (foundation, mascara, lip stick are all essential or you get told off haha). I have a full day ofanatomy  today which I find really interesting. Bring this day on :)

erika wattman
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I couldn't sleep very well last night because of my sore throat hence the dark circles under my eyes :/

I am so sick :(

Haven't been updating for a while but I have been sick and pretty busy with school. Still really sick my throat is so sore :( Anyway I'm back now. Just sat watching my favourite tv show Det okända which is about paranormal activity in people's homes. :)
This is what I'm snacking on tonight :) t's ruccola, avocado, cherry tomatoes, leek and olive salad + coconut cream with gingerbread seasoning :) omnomnom

Just want to show last weeks shopping. It's staring to get really cold now so I needed some warm clothes :) plus some good creams and make up 


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Recharging for the upcoming week

Sunday night and I'm really tiered. Zzz. I have been studying today as I have a test tomorrow :) wish me luck! Training sucked today I could only run 3k and then I was finished boo. Look at this blessed stepcounter, only 6557 steps. Wow have I been lazy hehe But I guess I needed it :) I will write some more about step counters tomorrow. They are brilliant little things they are.
Good night x

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Yummy in My tummy cheese cake and crumble

I went for a walk with my dear friend Petra tonight, think we went nearly 7km. We aimed to go thru the dark forest on the way home in the dark like we used to when we where kids. The path was completely overgrown when we got there though hehe so we went back shit scared (we like to get scared though). There was also a full moon tonight. Home at last I had roast chicken with snow peas yummy. For dessert I had this lovely paleo cheesecake with vanilla bean and lemon coconut cream and cocoa and almond crumble. Next weekend I think I gonna remake it but with strawberries instead. Love love :) 

What i do on a Friday night when I'm bored

I know Friday nights are not supposed o be boring but when you go up at 5:15 every morning and get home at seven all week you don't have the energy to do very much, BUT to dress up :) hahah yeey how's my 70ties outfit hah
Glasses - 70ties
Jacket - 70ties
Wallpapers - 70ties

Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's finally Friday :)

Good morning! The week has gone so fast, I like it :) I have done 5 weeks in school now which feels really good as I want it to be over so I can start working :)   Since I quit dairy (after going on the paleo diet) I haven't been drinking much tea or coffe. Well some green tea and herbal tea. But I tried putting coconut milk in my black tea the other day and it tasted so good. Because of the high fat content it gets that creamy taste that u get from dairy even if the taste is slightly different. It tastes much better than soy milk or almond milk for example and its a lot better for you. I need to get decaf tea though but I can't find it :( Here is my brekkie as well. Jam packed with goodness paleo diet style :) 
It's boiled eggs with stewed baby spinache and coconut oil :) so tasty and so healthy. That spinach is full of nutrients and the greeness cleanses you body and makes it more alkaline :) 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Here is my new running clothes :)

I got myself new running gear the other day :) they are so nice and comfy and they look hot. I ran 4.29 the last night, thought it was raining so I put to much clothes on, duuh big mistake. Going running tomorrow again :)
Tights - Röhnisch
Top - Hm
Shoes - Nike
Stepcounter - Asaklit

Monday, September 16, 2013

Had such a good weekend :)

It's Tuesday today, probably the slowest day of the week. But I will get a facial today in school so I'm not gonna complain to much 😜 haha :) I had such a great weekend. My hole body is aching from running on Saturday an climbing on Sunday. Love it! Here is some pics from the weekend. I also did some shopping yesterday

Me, Sanja and Luisa went to dinner :)
This is what I had for brekkie my friends. Chicken and veggies + loads of olive oil. 


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Klätterdomen bouldering today was so much fun

Today i went bouldering with my siblings at klätterdomen in Gothenburg. The reason i was only bouldering is that in sweden you need a permit to top rope and tradclimb and i don't have one :( I might sort myself one out when i have time but thats not very often nowadays. Anyway, we had so much fun and i havent done much climbing for 5 months so it was about time. My arms are well tiered now so i got a good workout. Yes burned some calories hopefully haha. I need a climbing buddy! Klätterdomen was over my expectations, its so nice and have really cool climbs :)


erika wattman

erika wattman


Klätterdomen in Gothenburg is the biggest indoor climbing complex in Sweden :) sweet eh :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hello lemon Good morning vitamin C

Good morning! 
It's so misty outside you can't see a thing haha its spooky. I am starting my morning as usuall with a lemon + vitamin C drink. It's very refreshing and gives you a energy boost. After that I make myself a nice brekkie. Today I had omelet, paleo style of course, with stewed (in coconut milk haha) mushrooms, onion and spinach :) 
Me and the girls in class are heaving a girls/taco night tonight it's going to be so much fun :) 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What to treat yourself on a Saturday paleo style ;)

I really love desserts. Who doesn't? ;) I normally experiment on the weekends trying to compose different desserts and flavours. Off course they're all made accordingly to the paleo diet. I actually use even less sweet ingredients for my desserts than for traditional paleo desserts. One of the main ingredients I use when making my sweets is coconut cream as its very versatile and substitutes dairy. Today I made blueberry coconut ice cream paleo diet style. No added sweeteners only the sweetness from the blueberries.

It tastes brilliant and really takes away your sugar cravings because its high in good fats. :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Swedish crayfish party

After a looong day in school I'm now relaxing with my family and we are heaving a crayfish party, it's a very old Swedish tradition :) we eat crayfish and drink snaps hehe so nice :) perfect party food for me as well, no carbs but oh so good haha
low carb

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I am not studying to become a beauty therapist I'm studying to become an aesthetician! Haha I knew I wasn't quite right when saying beauty therapy. Sometimes it's hard to translate from Swedish correctly :) over and out 
Here are my study mates :D

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Autumn is nearly here

Good morning! 🐌🍁🍂🍄🌾☔
I'm sat on the train on my way to school. Looking out the leaves on the trees is starting to go yellow. I will miss the summer but autumn is cosy in its own way as well :) autumn symbolises new starts for me. I have started a new career path to become a beauty therapist and I love it. School is so hard but it's still a lot of fun. 
This is what I had for paleo brekkie this morning. If you wanna stay healthy and fit ad good looking The paleo diet is great :) 

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Spent last night studying and went for a walk in the forest with a good friend, was so much fun part from studying hehe. Now I'm sat on the train to school. I have started to study beauty therapy ;)
